November 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Thirteen lucky club member attended the Blufftops and Visions brainstorming session on Monday, November 20, 2017. Jennifer brought everybody up to speed on planning for next year’s N4C convention, to be held in Dubuque on Sept. 14-15, 2018. All hands will be needed to make this project a success.

The Blufftops and Visions convention on September 14-15, 2018 will be held at the  Holiday Inn of Dubuque/Galena at 450 Main St. in Downtown Dubuque, Iowa.

There is quite a bit of work to do in order to prepare for this event. Our club has already reserved banquet and meeting space in the downtown Dubuque Holiday Inn, along with a block of rooms. We need to choose keynote speakers by January. Hunts Photo and Video has already expressed interest in being a vendor, and they have a variety of speakers that we could contact. 

Another priority need is identifying business or corporate sponsors (remember, we are a grassroots community organization, but not an officially registered 501c3 nonprofit). Prior conventions have used different levels of sponsorship (such as Gold – $1000, Silver, etc.) and have accepted in-kind donations, such as the use of a vehicle or van

We will need to create registration materials and awards. We also need to decide on the individual cost for conference registration. The club must give 25% of the net proceeds to N4C (keeping the remaining 75%). Sorry, volunteering will not mean free tickets. It will mean a potential for terrific presenters, photo opportunities and workshops, with most events to be held within walking distance of downtown.

Based on attendance at past conferences, we can probably expect 120-160 people from out-of-town. Dubuque is centrally located on the map of N4C clubs, so our convention might very well be the best attended of all time. We need to figure out tactics to market to the college and 20-something demographic. A student discount may boost attendance. We already have a Facebook page and an email list setup on MailChimp. Jennifer suggested adding Instagram to our social media repertoire.

It’s traditional to have Thursday be the convention’s arrival/welcome night with free hors d’oeuvres. Big banquets (with food served by the hotel) will be held on Friday and Saturday, with lunch on your own. Photo Essays are played during one of the banquets, along with awards, etc.

As far as field trips, it would be helpful to make a list up of photogenic local spots for our visitors to choose from (an “on your own” pamphlet for self-guided field trips). Ideas tossed around included a junkyard in the rain, birds/owls from a raptor center, or arranging for models for a studio session.

It’s best to plan a variety of seminars should be encouraged where people can use their own cameras. We also need to be considerate of the commercial vendors and set specific hours for them so they don’t have to sit there forever without a break. Remember to contact Ron or Jennifer with any thoughts or ideas that you may have to help make next year’s Blufftops and Visions a sucess!

2018 Bald Eagle Watch

Saturday, January 20, 2018
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Grand River Center, Port of Dubuque
Find out more at the Dubuque Audubon Society website.
We will have a vendor table at the Bald Eagle Watch. As in previous years, we need volunteers to staff our display. We will be promoting the Blufftops & Visions convention, and a slide show of member-contributed photos will be on display. This year, club members have an option to sell prints. If you have nature-themed prints that you would like to offer for sale, contact Ron or Jennifer.

Upcoming Meetings

Holiday Party — Monday, Dec. 4 at 6:00 p.m. (note early start time). Don’t forget to RSVP! Bring food and family or loved ones. No other meeting and no submissions in December.
TUESDAY, Jan. 2, 2018 @ 6:30 p.m. — First meeting of the New Year. José García has volunteered to share his post-processing secrets with the group. Bring a laptop if you wish. Discussion will focus on Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

November 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Below is a synopsis of the November 6, 2017, meeting of the Dubuque Camera Club.

** Remember, all tri-state area photography enthusiasts are welcome to attend our twice-monthly meetings. **

Jennifer brought the Dubuque Museum of Art prints for pickup. We reviewed the events that were held during the club exhibition at the museum.

We have one new member. Thank you for all the member payments tonight! Annual dues of only $20 allow you to participate in all club exhibits and events.

The N4C has judged our website. Ron will post results on the website soon.

We discussed the N4C 2018 Blufftops & Visions convention, which will be held in Dubuque next year. Our upcoming November 20th meeting will be a planning meeting. Please bring your ideas and help us form the events of the weekend.

We also reviewed October’s competition returns and the September DP category (which we did not have before).

Congratulations to our photo competition winners:

  • Jose Garcia,
  • Andreas Exner,
  • Jennifer Tigges,
  • Kevin McTague,
  • David Smethers,
  • Cara Pusateri.

Keep submitting!

Upcoming events

December 4, Christmas party — Members, significant others, children, and guests are invited. The club will provide meat, tableware and drinks. Please RSVP to a separate invitation (coming soon) and bring a side dish or dessert to pass.

January 20, 2018. Bald Eagle Watch — We will have a table as in previous years. Volunteers needed 9-4 at the Grand River Center. We will promote next year’s N4C Blufftops and Visions Convention. We will also show digital nature submissions in a slideshow.

Save the date: May 5-7, 2018. N4C Spring Mini Convention. We will need to present on our upcoming convention. The location is 250 miles west of Dubuque. Here’s the address: Saint Thomas More Center, 6177 Panorama Rd, Panora, IA 50216. For more information, see the meetings page on the N4C website.

See you at the next Dubuque Camera Club meeting! (November 20 @ 6:30 p.m.)

October 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Remember, all tri-state photography enthusiasts are invited to participate in the Dubuque Camera Club.

Eighteen people attended the Dubuque Camera Club meeting on Oct. 2, 2017. Club president Ron Tigges shared some images that he took during Presidents, Pixels and Pines.

Four of our club members attended the 2017 N4C convention in South Dakota: Ron, Jennifer, Ellie, and Lois. Their insight will be very important when we host the event next year.

One of the activities that happens at the annual convention is an awards ceremony for the Annual Best of N4C Contest Winners. Our club did awesome this year!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to these outstanding photographers:

  • Gary Fagan
  • Jose Garcia
  • Kevin McTague
  • Gen. Bob Felderman

[See the Best of N4C winners gallery here.]

Blufftops and Visions

The Dubuque Camera Club will host next year’s N4C convention in Dubuque on Sept. 14-15, 2018. Be thinking about presenters or workshops that you would like to see happen during this event!

Blufftops & Visions will be headquartered at the downtown Dubuque/Galena Holiday Inn, 450 Main St. in Dubuque. Be sure to like the new Blufftops and Visions page on Facebook.

Exhibit alert! Take your friends and family to see photography by Dubuque Camera Club members at the Dubuque Museum of Art. Dimensions of Photography is on display in the upstairs balcony through October 29. More info at

Due to a scheduling conflict, we decided to cancel the Oct. 16 meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m. Submissions for the monthly N4C competition are due before the start of the next meeting. Get them in early!!! 

Remember, the dimensions have changed. The longest side can now be up to 1920 pixels. See the competition page on the club’s website to learn more.

Reminder: If you need to pay your annual dues for the 2017-2018 season, contact club treasurer DeWayne Beecher


September 18, 2017 Meeting Notes

Seventeen people attended the meeting on Sept. 18, 2017. Our club judged 79 images in the Digital Travel category.
Judges: Dave Smethers, John Leicht, and Kevin McTeague. Judging facilitators: Cara Pusateri, Pamela Brandt, Ron Tigges.

Treasurer DeWayne Beecher collected annual dues. [Reminder: Annual club dues are only $20 and allow you to submit images for competition and participate in exhibits and other events.]

At the start of the meeting, Jennifer Tigges gave an overview of the organizing that will need to go into the 2018 convention. She and Ron will be attending this year’s Presidents, Pixels & Pines event in South Dakota and taking notes. If anybody else is attending the event, please bring back ideas!

Remember, everybody will have to pitch in to make the 2018 event next year a success. It will be headquartered at the downtown Dubuque Holiday Inn with many events within walking distance. The name of the event is Blufftops and Visions. Be sure to like the new Blufftops and Visions page on Facebook.

The club meeting on Oct. 16 meeting will be a preliminary planning meeting. Think about potential partners, who you would like to see as a presenter, or what you would like to have as a workshop or field trip, and be ready to toss out ideas!

If you want to see terrific examples of photography by club members, be sure to visit the Dubuque Museum of Art. The Dimensions of Photography, an exhibit of photographs by the Dubuque Camera Club,  will be on display in the upstairs balcony through October 29, 2017. 

Remember, all tri-state photography enthusiasts are invited to participate in the Dubuque Camera Club.

Photography by the Dubuque Camera Club was featured in an exhibit at the Dubuque Museum of Art in Sept.-Oct. 2017.


September 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Welcome back everyone, and welcome new members! For those of you who could not attend the September 5 meeting, we have several new and very talented members.

Remember to grab your name tag at the beginning of each meeting. We will get new ones for the new members. The club president stressed that people should speak out and ask lots of questions throughout the evening and at every club meeting.

We reviewed how to submit, where to submit, and how many submissions we can have in each N4C competition. Please refer to the competition page on our website for more information:

Don’t forget that submissions are due this Sunday night before. And there cannot be any spaces between words in a file name. You can use commas instead to separate things out.

The N4C 2017 Convention will be in Rapid City, South Dakota. Eleanor, Lois, Jennifer and Ron will be in attendance.

An official announcement will be made soon, but Ron let the group know that the 2018 N4C convention will be in Dubuque, Iowa on September 14 and 15th, 2018. We will be sponsoring this event, and we will need some help coordinating things. Jennifer Tigges will have an update at the next meeting.

We have five new members as of tonight. Several have excellent talents as videographers, bloggers, and filmmakers. It is always great to have some new talent to learn from and participate with us. Andreas Exner (a new member) has a website you can check out here.

Ongoing: The Dubuque Camera Club exhibit continues at the Dubuque Museum of Art. Thursdays are free days. Please enjoy three other photographic exhibits and take a friend. On October 11 at 1:00 p.m., Ron Tigges will be doing a lunch and learn presentation there on a camera technique used in one of the pieces.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, September 18th at 6:30 p.m. We will be judging the Digital Travel category of the N4C competition. To qualify to be a judge, you need to be a member for at least a year. Stop out and see how it is done. It is very helpful to know the judging process so you know what to submit.

Thank you to John Leicht and Sue Vise for taking notes for us.