Dimensions of Photography

Dimensions of Photography: Dubuque Camera Club Annual Exhibition

September 2, 2017 – October 29, 2017

The Dubuque Museum of Art is proud to host the 5th annual exhibition of photography by members of the Dubuque Camera Club. DUMA is excited to continue its partnership with our local camera club as both organizations strive to foster the continuing evolution of photography as an art form. The theme of this year’s exhibition focuses on the versatility of digital photography and the degree of technique utilized in the making of a picture.

The Dubuque Camera Club is dedicated to promoting an appreciation for the art and skill of digital photography. If you are a photography enthusiast, you are welcome to join their meetings. Being part of a photography club can bring new ideas and creative directions to your work. Any skill level is welcome.

The Dubuque Camera Club belongs to the North Central Camera Club Council (N4C), an organization of about 40 midwestern clubs. Our members are eligible to compete in N4C photography competitions.

N4C Updates/Clarifications

N4C Clarifications- from N4C President Linda Rutherford:

Although I have covered these topics extensively in my president’s
messages for the bulletin, there continue to be questions asked. Please
communicate this information to all your club members. The first
addresses concerns regarding the change in image size for digital images.

Rules for All Categories of Digital Images

8. Image Size
According to the minutes of September 30, 2016 the longest side must be
no more than 1920 pixels. The file size must be no more than 500KB.
This means no one should have their image disqualified if it is smaller than
that. The rule change is merely to accommodate those clubs that have
upgraded to a larger size projector without having to downsize all their
entries. No club needs to upsize their entries either.

Altered Reality
Creative is now referred to as altered reality. Please use AR in the
category spot on both digital and prints. This is where entries that have
been altered via creative methods, cloning, or adding textures should be

March 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Jennifer Tigges

We had special guests for our March 20th meeting.

About 20 club members were in attendance along with a few new or potential members. Because of the new members, club president Ron Tigges went over what the N4C is and a bit about the submissions and judging. Also, the perks of being in the club:  patches, ability to be in shows, two parties per year and more.

Scott and Kris Kelly of S. Kelly Photography were in attendance. They have 13 years of experience in portrait photography  and are very involved in PPI (Professional Photography of Iowa), which meets twice a year. The next PPI meeting is in November  2017 with national speakers.

Steve Kelly from ACI (American Color Imaging) was our guest speaker of the evening. He brought many samples along. He described various types of prints using different materials and textures. White base and natural base is available for metal prints. We will be doing metal prints for the upcoming Dubuque Museum of Art exhibit in August.

ACI has a commitment to quality and getting your prints correct. They offer color correction, proofing, calibration prints and more. They even have an event pics area on their website where you can upload and people can purchase from,  and then they drop ship if you want to sell through ACI. Email Steve at steve.kelly@acilab.com or phone 1-800-728-2722 ext 2104.

We may be setting up a tour of the facilities in the future. ACI is located in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

April Submissions – all information on the new submission guidelines are at the bottom of our website competition page.

April 3, 2017 – Returns/submissions. No Pictorial submissions. Double Travel submissions.
April 17, 2017 – Judging Pictorial category.

Club members – remember to join our Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/dbqcameraclub/

March 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes

18 people were in attendance.

Digital Creative and Digital Travel each had one more spot to fill. After last night’s meeting these are probably already filled. Please vote using your club member in the comments for up to 5 votes in each category.

Reminder that submission guidelines, link for voting and more information can be found at our website competition page here.

Special Events

The Dubuque Camera Club gave a presentation about nature photography at the Mines of Spain on March 5, 2017.

Mines of Spain Nature Photography — Dubuque Camera Club
March 5, 2017, 1:00 p.m. | E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center at the Mines of Spain
This was a success with almost 50 in attendance. Thanks goes out to Kevin McTague for teaching us about backyard birding, Ken Kiss for sharing about the Owls in the Mines of Spain including some owl pellets, and Ron Tigges for the overview of the N4C, nature photography and macro photography.

Dubuque Museum of Art Summer Exhibit
August-October — We have chosen a name/theme of the exhibit “Dimensions of Photography”
We would have various photos from different categories or types of photos along with a description of that type of photography. We will go with metal prints again. Gary Fagan brought a sample of a metal print from ACI. They currently have a special running if you have other printing needs.

N4C Spring Seminar
Because of a schedule changes with the IDNR, the Springbrook seminar has changed the location and the date to May 5-7, 2017. It will be called the Iowa Camp-In – Mini-Convention and held at Saint Thomas More Center, between Guthrie Center and Panora, Iowa. More information is available on the N4C website

Bird Banding at EB Lyons Center
Sunday, March 19th at 1:00 p.m. is another photo op while birds are being caught outside in mist nets, brought inside to be weighed, banded and finally released.

Future Meetings

Club meeting, March 20, 6:30 p.m. Special guest Steve Kelly from ACI labs will teach us about various printing techniques and samples of papers. Think all printing is alike? Come check this out and see the large array of papers and products available today. Thank you to Gary Fagan for help with getting Steve to drop by.

April 3 Regular Club Meeting- reminder that submissions are now due March 26th and we do not submit in Digital Pictorial category this month. 

April 17 – Judging Digital Pictorial

February Competition Results

Digital Black and White — some tough competition!

  • “Braving the Storm” by Gary Fagan, Honorable Mention
  • “Picking Flowers” by Jose Garcia, Honorable Mention
  • “National Archives at Night: Bob Felderman, Honorable Mention
  • “Nap Time” by David Smethers, Honorable Mention (with a perfect score)

Digital Journalism

  • “Flipping Around” Jose Garcia, Honorable Mention

Digital Nature

  • “Protect Me” Gary Fagan, Honorable Mention

There were many merit awards received as well. Great job, everyone.

Technique Review

Ron Tigges spent the rest of the night showing some examples of various techniques that could be utilized for the Dubuque Museum of Art exhibit.

February 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Great turnout for this meeting. 

Discussion about submission updates and changes:

Dubuque Camera Club president Ron Tigges went over how to comment/vote on submitted photos on our Smugmug website.
Please note, once you vote in the comments, your comment cannot be changed.
To vote, please put your club number in the comment box. You may choose up to 5 selections in each category.

Submission changes:

Ken Kiss will be taking over Digital Nature and Digital Black & White submissions. Please send photos submitted in those categories directly to him. All other submissions will continue to go to Cara Pusateri. [Members, see your email for specifics].

The submission deadline has been changed to Sunday night, one week in advance of our first monthly meeting. This change allows Cara to post images to the website for voting.

Remember, when there is still room in any category for submissions, it’s first come, first served. 

Find the full submission guidelines here.

Special Events:

Mines of Spain Nature Photography — Dubuque Camera Club
March 5, 2017, 1:00 p.m. | E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center at the Mines of Spain
Club members are invited to be part of the presentation by presenting and talking about their photos, display prints on a table and offer tips and tricks to capturing great nature photos.
Anyone who wants to submit photos and speak about their photos should email Ron or Jennifer We currently have 3 speakers. A Facebook event will be created when we know who all will be presenting. Invite your friends!

Dubuque Museum of Art Summer Exhibit
Ron is suggesting an eclectic show featuring various photography genres. Ron will discuss the idea with the museum. We would have various photos from different categories or types of photo,s along with a description of that type of photography. Some ideas would be: refractometry, aerial,  high speed shutter, portrait, altered reality, gigaprint and more. Instead of the art museum jurying the exhibit, our group will choose. Discussion was held about doing metal prints again for this.

DMA Juried show- May 27, 2017
Dubuque Museum of Art will have their biennial exhibit
Submissions are due March 5, 2017
Guidelines and more information is available here.

Other news

Bob Felderman attended the Professional Photographers of America conference in San Antonio, Texas.  He brought back many brochures and pamphlets to share. Next year’s PPA conference will be held in Nashville, TN.

The club went over submissions, and members talked a little about their images, sharing how the image was made and any stories behind the images. Many images have great back stories, and locations were shared as well.

Returns from January 2017

Digital Creative Category:
Honorable Mention went to Jose Garcia for two images, “Friends” and “In the Woods” 

Northshore Camera Club judged Digital Journalism
They gave all of our images 9 points each.

Digital Nature Category:
“Golden Creek Flowing Fast” by Robert Felderman received an Honorable Mention.
Gary Fagan “Lunch Time” received 45 points for a perfect score and 2nd Place!

Digital Pictorial Category:
Honorable Mention went to  Shannon  Woulfe for the image “Lighthouse Through the Pier” Michigan City, IN.

View all winners galleries on the N4C Website

Next meeting will be a work night. We will work on our Mines of Spain Nature Photo presentation. Bring your images or any prints you would like to display on a table that day.

Submitted by Jennifer Tigges