
All in-person club meetings are CANCELLED through May 2020.

Sorry, all in-person meetings of the Dubuque Camera Club are CANCELLED through May 2020.

CLUB MEETINGS CANCELLED. Because our meeting venue will be closed through May 2020 due to coronavirus concerns, upcoming club meetings are also cancelled.

Club members: N4C submissions are still due by the first Monday of the month. Email them to the regular culprits (no DT in May). Discussion has been happening about how to judge Digital Travel on May 18. Stay tuned to your email for details.

Smokestack exhibit postponed. Due to the pandemic, this venue has closed. The club’s exhibit is postponed indefinitely.

LAPC event POSTPONED. The Linn Area Photography Club in Cedar Rapids was scheduled to hold its annual Spring Photography Event on April 25-26. This event has been postponed to September 19-20, 2020.

N4C MINI-CON CANCELLED. The N4C Spring 2020 mini-con has been cancelled. Learn more on the Meetings page of the N4C website.

PPIOWA convention cancelled. Professional Photographers of Iowa has cancelled its Winter Convention. More here.

DubuqueFest 2020 is cancelled. The art fair and all other DubuqueFest 2020 events have been cancelled.

GCA closed. The Galena Center for the Arts has closed its gallery. Broad Ideas events are on hold. More info here.

OTHER CANCELLATIONS. To prevent the spread of illness, many other groups and organizations are canceling or postponing scheduled events.

Note: The Dubuque Telegraph Herald has made articles relating to the coronavirus free to everyone. Click here for tri-state updates: