March 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Submitted by Jennifer Tigges

We had special guests for our March 20th meeting.

About 20 club members were in attendance along with a few new or potential members. Because of the new members, club president Ron Tigges went over what the N4C is and a bit about the submissions and judging. Also, the perks of being in the club:  patches, ability to be in shows, two parties per year and more.

Scott and Kris Kelly of S. Kelly Photography were in attendance. They have 13 years of experience in portrait photography  and are very involved in PPI (Professional Photography of Iowa), which meets twice a year. The next PPI meeting is in November  2017 with national speakers.

Steve Kelly from ACI (American Color Imaging) was our guest speaker of the evening. He brought many samples along. He described various types of prints using different materials and textures. White base and natural base is available for metal prints. We will be doing metal prints for the upcoming Dubuque Museum of Art exhibit in August.

ACI has a commitment to quality and getting your prints correct. They offer color correction, proofing, calibration prints and more. They even have an event pics area on their website where you can upload and people can purchase from,  and then they drop ship if you want to sell through ACI. Email Steve at or phone 1-800-728-2722 ext 2104.

We may be setting up a tour of the facilities in the future. ACI is located in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

April Submissions – all information on the new submission guidelines are at the bottom of our website competition page.

April 3, 2017 – Returns/submissions. No Pictorial submissions. Double Travel submissions.
April 17, 2017 – Judging Pictorial category.

Club members – remember to join our Facebook Group!